Membership is derived from all sectors in Government, Local authority, private sector, mission,councils and student nurses. These may be practising and non-practicing, retired and honoraria.  

Full member should be Registered General Nurses, State Certified Nurses and Primary Care Nurses registered with the Nurses Council of Zimbabwe. Associate members consist of Nurse Aides and Student Nurses in training and indexed to the Nurses Council of Zimbabwe.

Who we are?

Zimbabwe Nurses Association (ZINA) is a vibrant, energetic non- governmental organization of nurses for the Republic of Zimbabwe.

It aims to effectively ensure a good working environment and good working conditions that ensure comfort and safety of the patient/client and the nurse in every health care institution in Zimbabwe.

Functions of ZINA

It represent its nurses through its leadership that is sensitive to national health aims, practice and research, advancing nursing through education continuation, influence health policy and partnership improvement and endorsing the best quality standard of nursing care.

Why work with us?
  • Stay on top of the news and changes in the nursing profession and broaden your horizons.
  • Access to continuing education at a discounted price in many cases
  • networking opportunities and career aid.